Habits Of Mind- Manage Impulsivity

Often students blurt the first answer that comes to mind. Sometimes they shout out an answer, start to work without fully understanding the directions, lack an organized plan or strategy for approaching a problem or make immediate value judgments about an idea- criticizing or praising it- before fully understanding it. They may take the first suggestion given or operate on the first idea that comes to mind rather than considering alternatives and consequences of several possible directions...

1: Think before you act.

2: Think about an answer, before you say it aloud.

3: When someone gives you a suggestion or an idea, don't just do that one because it was the first, get some more suggestions and ideas then see what ones the best.

Science Roadshow!!!

Science Roadshow was a successful way to learn all about the different areas of science because it was fun! Other schools came to Science Roadshow. A few year 8`s from the accelerate academy were helped to unload and load up the truck and they were also presenters standing at the exibits telling the students how to use the exibits. A few of the activities at Science Roadshow were a fake cow and you put your thumb in the thing were it sucks the cows milk on a dairy farm, in a milk shed...IT FELT WEIRD!!! There was this thing with a cone like top and a thin tube at the bottom so it stood very tall, you throw a ping pong ball in the top and it slowly went down the tube and then you would pull up this handle in a plastic container up then push it down very fast, the air in the plastice container would be enough to push the ping pong ball out out of the tube and fall on the ground!!! It cost $4 but it was well worth it!!!

TERM 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW! Almost the end of the year. First day back and already having fun... Been to ICT, level 2 french and library and then later on we have an assembly. Term 3 is going to be fun with kaitaos got talent and fashionj show etc. So term 3 here i come!

Science Fair

Wow! It's finally complete and in the hall on display. Celene and I made edible candles as our science fair project, the category it was under was technology design. I liked our project because it wasn't something that was in a book or on the internet we got the idea for edible candles from our imaginations. It came out really good I'll still be pleased with our work even if we don't win!

Kaitao Poem

When you see blue and yellow
You know Kaitao's near
Keep walking up the school path
At the front of the school a teacher is there

Year 7's and 8's
Go to kaitao school
They enjoy there time here
Kaitao is there choice because it is very cool

There's the principal and deputies
School leaders and more
Student love it here
And they all have a ball

Mr. Dyke

Well i probably have to say something nice about him because he'll probably read this later...

Na! He's a cool teacher and he teaches in Room 1 Accelerate Academy,
Mr. Dyke takes us out for games like the other day we played ripper rugby and i SCORED A TRY!!! (how amazing).

When i started at kaitao he just started too. He let's us come and blog and gives us time to do Kaitao Radio. He understands i have a lot of responsibilities and that means i get a little bit of leeway or should i say a lot.

Mr. Dyke's an awesome teacher and i'm glad i'm in his class!!!

Stage Challenge Is Over !

Stage Challenge 2009 what a night, the music, the preformances and the fun we had. It so was a day and night to remember...

This video is of the JAZZ preformance in the KMS, I was in the JAZZ group and it was a lot of hard work getting to this stage!